Traveling With Skincare Products: Everything You Need To Know

This article was last updated on: July 28, 2023
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To stow or not to stow, that is the question!

When it comes to traveling with skincare products (and we’re assuming you mean flying, not driving, by the way), you pretty much have two options: store them inside your checked baggage with the rest of your belongings or keep them in your carry-on hand luggage.

While that may all sound pretty self-explanatory, there are some things you really need to know.

When bringing skincare products in your carry-on luggage

If you absolutely must have your skincare products at hand throughout your journey, you’ll need to brush up on the rules and regulations in your area before packing your bags, as there are some things you’ll need to consider.

Get the size right

In the United States, the carry-on luggage rules are dictated by the TSA (Transportation Security Administration), in Europe, the rules are set by the European Union, in the United Kingdom, the rules are set by the government’s transport authority… you get the picture.

As a very general rule of thumb, most airports limit hand-luggage liquids to be at a maximum of 100ml (3.4 fl oz), however, there may be exceptions depending on where you are and where you’re flying to, so do your research to ensure you don’t end up having to throw your precious skincare products away before they’ll let you through security check-in!

Transfer your products into a smaller container

When you’re packing for a flight, there are a lot of restrictions on what you can bring in your carry-on and checked baggage. One of the most important is the size and quantity of liquids, gels, and aerosols that you’re allowed to bring.

As we previously mentioned, the standard liquid volume limit for products in your hand luggage is 100ml (3.4 fl oz), so if you’re planning to pack any, it’s important to transfer them into smaller containers that meet the set guidelines – this will not only make it easier to pack your bag and get through security check-in without issues, but it will also reduce the risk of spillage or leakage during transit.

When choosing smaller containers for your skincare products, make sure to choose something that’s both durable and leak-proof.

Remember to pack your things in a clear plastic resealable bag

Most airports require all your liquids/creams/serums/aerosols to be contained within a clear and resealable plastic bag for a quick inspection, so make sure you pack appropriately.

This also gives you the added benefit of being able to see exactly what you’ve packed, so you can be sure you didn’t forget anything essential! Plus, it’s quick and easy to grab whatever you need when you’re on the go.

When bringing skincare products in your checked baggage

This is, by far, the best way of traveling with skincare products; put them in your toiletries bag, inside your suitcase, and forget about it – no need for swapping containers, spilling serum on the floor, or worrying about whether or not airport security will make you throw things in the trash.

The vast majority of beauty products, such as skincare and makeup are allowed in your bags without issue.

Are any skincare products prohibited?

While this is a very general answer, for the most part, skincare products are completely fine to travel with – either in hand luggage (assuming they’re the right size and stored correctly) or within your checked bag.

The only thing that could potentially cause issues is oil or alcohol-based skincare/fragrances, which could in theory be classed as a “flammable material”, though unlikely.

If you’re ever in doubt, have a thorough read of the guidelines set by the airport you’re traveling from.

Other things to keep in mind when traveling with skincare products

Traveling with your skincare essentials is always something we’d recommend, but there are a few things you should consider before setting off:

Consider Heat Damage

As anyone who has flown knows, an airplane’s luggage compartment can get extremely hot; this extreme heat could actually damage your skincare products.

Things like face creams, serums, and sunscreens are designed to be stored at specific temperatures in order to preserve their efficacy (hence why skincare fridges are a real thing). When exposed to excessive heat, these products can start to break down, rendering them less effective and damaging their texture.

So next time you’re packing for a flight, keep in mind that your skincare products may take a beating! We recommend leaving anything you’re precious about at home, just in case.

How air pressure affects skincare products

The drastic change in cabin pressure can also affect your skincare products, making them become clumpy and bubbly, which can make them difficult to use while you’re in the sky!

Additionally, the air pressure could potentially cause some formula separation, meaning that you may need to manually re-mix them yourself when you land.

Only Take What You Need

When packing for a trip, it can be tempting to throw everything into your suitcase, just in case you might need it. However, this often results in overpacking and lugging around a heavy bag of skincare products that you’re never going to use. 

When it comes to traveling with skincare in general, we recommend that you only pack the absolute essentials. This includes cleansing and moisturizing products for your face, as well as sunscreen. If you have special concerns such as acne or wrinkles, you may want to bring along a few targeted treatments. However, ditch the eye cream and face mask – chances are you won’t have time to use them on vacation.


Traveling with skincare products can be tricky but, with a few precautions and some careful packing, you can make sure your beauty essentials make it to your destination in one piece.

Remember, only pack the absolute essentials and be wary of how extreme temperatures can affect your skincare products.

Lastly, always check the airport guidelines to ensure that your skincare products are allowed in carry-on and checked baggage, and stick to the limits for having liquids/creams/serums in your hand luggage.

With these precautions in mind, you can rest assured that your skincare routine won’t be compromised when you’re on the go. Happy travels!

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Picture of About The Reviewer: Feyi Madamombe
About The Reviewer: Feyi Madamombe

With her unique perspective and commitment to uncovering the latest trends and innovations, Feyi has quickly become a beloved voice in the world of beauty journalism.

Feyi’s multicultural background and enthusiasm for the beauty industry inspire her to explore and celebrate the diversity of beauty across the globe. When she’s not crafting compelling articles or trying out the latest beauty products, Feyi loves to indulge in her passion for dance, attend music festivals, and explore London’s diverse culinary scene.

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