Pyruvic Acid: What Is It, Cosmetic Uses & Side Effects

Priya Singh
Fact-Checker: Priya Singh
This article was last updated on: October 13, 2023
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Imagine you’re standing in the skincare aisle of your favorite store, scanning the ingredients list on a cosmetic product, trying to decipher what each one means. It feels like reading a foreign language – full of scientific jargon and mystifying terms.

One such ingredient that you may have come across is Pyruvic Acid. The name itself, “Pyruvic Acid”, sounds quite intimidating, almost like something out of a high school chemistry class!

This article aims to demystify Pyruvic Acid for you. We’re going to delve deep into what this ingredient is, and investigate why it’s used in cosmetic products.

What is Pyruvic Acid?

Pyruvic Acid, also known as Propanoic Acid, 2-oxo, is an alpha-keto acid found in honey and apples. In the cosmetic context, Pyruvic Acid is a non-active ingredient, often used as a fragrance; it enhances the overall sensory experience of a product by imparting a pleasant scent.

Who Can Use Pyruvic Acid?

Pyruvic Acid is compatible with most skin types, from oily to dry, making it a versatile ingredient in skincare. It has a long-standing reputation for compatibility with sensitive skin types, given its gentle exfoliating properties.

As for dietary restrictions and ethical choices, Pyruvic Acid is synthetic and does not come from animal sources, making it suitable for vegans and vegetarians.

Regarding usage during pregnancy or breastfeeding, there’s no universally agreed advice. As always, if you’re pregnant, planning to become pregnant, or breastfeeding, please consult a healthcare professional or dermatologist before introducing new skincare products or ingredients into your routine.

Pyruvic Acid’s Cosmetic Uses

Pyruvic Acid has a noteworthy use in cosmetics, mainly due to its fragrance qualities:

  • Provides a Pleasing Scent: The role of Pyruvic Acid as a fragrance ingredient in cosmetics is more dynamic than it may first appear. It goes far beyond simply ‘smelling nice.’ The scent of a product can significantly impact our experience in using it. When Pyruvic Acid is included in a formulation, it adds richness and complexity to the overall aroma of the product. This distinctive scent can enhance our perception of the product’s quality and provide a luxurious skincare experience. Moreover, the role of aroma in skincare is quite therapeutic. A pleasing scent can create a sense of calm and relaxation, transforming a routine skincare regimen into a spa-like ritual.

This use of Pyruvic Acid underscores the importance of multi-sensory appeal in cosmetics, extending beyond the visual packaging and tactile experience to include the often-overlooked sense of smell.

Pyruvic Acid Potential Side Effects

It’s essential to remember that everyone’s skin is unique, so responses to skincare ingredients like Pyruvic Acid can vary. This is primarily because our skin types differ from person to person, and these inherent variations significantly influence how our skin reacts to different ingredients.

Potential side effects of Pyruvic Acid include:

  • Skin Irritation: Some people may experience redness, itching, or mild irritation, especially those with sensitive skin. This is generally due to the exfoliating properties of Pyruvic Acid, which may be a bit intense for certain skin types.
  • Dryness: Pyruvic Acid can sometimes cause dryness, particularly with prolonged use or at high concentrations.

If you experience any of these side effects, you should stop using the product and consult a dermatologist or healthcare professional for advice on handling the situation best. However, please note that adverse reactions to Pyruvic Acid are pretty rare. Generally speaking, it’s considered a safe and effective ingredient for cosmetic products.

To ensure you don’t have an adverse reaction to a new product, it’s essential to conduct a patch test before fully incorporating it into your routine. Patch testing is an easy way to minimize the risk of experiencing an unexpected reaction to a new product. Here’s a helpful patch-testing guide to get you started.

Comedogenic Rating

Pyruvic Acid is typically given a comedogenic rating of 1/5. This indicates that it’s highly unlikely to clog pores, with 0 being non-comedogenic and 5 being highly comedogenic. Therefore, Pyruvic Acid is generally considered suitable for individuals prone to acne and breakouts.


When understanding skincare ingredients, it’s crucial to realize that not all ingredients are meant to have an immediate, visible impact on the skin. Some, like Pyruvic Acid, play a supportive role in the overall formulation, contributing to the final product’s stability, scent, and application experience.

Pyruvic Acid may not be the most famous ingredient in skincare, but it’s not unusual or avant-garde. Its functions and benefits are comparable to other alpha-keto acids, like lactic acid and glycolic acid, which are also commonly used for their exfoliating and pH-adjusting properties.

As for any concerns, remember that Pyruvic Acid is generally considered safe for most skin types and is typically well-tolerated. However, remember that everyone’s skin is unique and that individual reactions can vary. It’s always best to consult with a skincare professional if you have any lingering doubts or concerns.

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