Sodium Isostearoyl Lactylate: What Is It, Skin Benefits, Cosmetic Uses & Side Effects

Priya Singh
Fact-Checker: Priya Singh
This article was last updated on: December 1, 2023
Table of Contents

Have you ever found yourself staring at the ingredients list on a cosmetic product, feeling utterly perplexed? It’s a common scenario: you’re holding a lotion, cream, or shampoo, trying to decipher the dense, scientific jargon. Amidst all those complex-sounding names, it’s challenging to understand what each ingredient does or why it’s included in the product.

One such ingredient that you might have spotted is Sodium Isostearoyl Lactylate. This compound, despite its intricate name, plays a significant role in many cosmetic formulations. But what exactly is Sodium Isostearoyl Lactylate? Why is it used in cosmetics, and what benefits does it offer?

In this article, we will delve into the world of Sodium Isostearoyl Lactylate. We’ll explore its characteristics, functions, and the reasons behind its frequent use in cosmetic products.

What is Sodium Isostearoyl Lactylate?

Sodium Isostearoyl Lactylate is a chemical compound commonly used in cosmetic products. It’s known by other names as well, including Sodium 2-(1-carboxylatoethoxy)-1-methyl-2-oxoethyl isooctadecanoate. This ingredient is synthesized through a reaction involving isostearic acid and lactic acid, with sodium hydroxide acting as a catalyst.

In cosmetic formulations, Sodium Isostearoyl Lactylate primarily serves as a cleansing and emulsifying agent. It helps in blending water with oils and fats, creating a smooth, consistent texture in products like creams and lotions. Its function is crucial for maintaining the stability and efficacy of a cosmetic product.

Typically, the concentration of Sodium Isostearoyl Lactylate in cosmetic products varies, but it is usually used in small percentages, around 0.1-5%.

Sodium Isostearoyl Lactylate is generally not sold as a standalone product for consumer use. Instead, it’s found as part of a broader formulation of ingredients in various cosmetic products, contributing to their texture, stability, and effectiveness.

Who Can Use Sodium Isostearoyl Lactylate?

Sodium Isostearoyl Lactylate is suitable for a wide range of skin types. Its gentle nature makes it a favorable ingredient in products designed for sensitive skin.

This ingredient is also suitable for vegans and vegetarians. The reason lies in its synthetic origin; it does not contain animal-derived components, making it an ethical choice for those adhering to vegan or vegetarian lifestyles.

Regarding its use by pregnant and breastfeeding women, Sodium Isostearoyl Lactylate is generally considered safe. However, as with any cosmetic ingredient, individual sensitivities and allergies can vary. It’s always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before introducing new products into a skincare routine during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Sodium Isostearoyl Lactylate Skin Benefits

Sodium Isostearoyl Lactylate, primarily functioning as a cleansing agent, offers several skin benefits:

  • Effective Dirt and Oil Removal: Its primary role in cleansing is to effectively remove dirt, oil, and makeup from the skin. This is achieved through its ability to bind with both oil and water, enabling it to lift impurities from the skin’s surface without causing excessive dryness.
  • Maintains Skin’s Natural Balance: Unlike harsher surfactants, Sodium Isostearoyl Lactylate cleanses without stripping the skin of its natural oils. This helps in maintaining the skin’s natural balance, preventing issues like over-drying or increased oil production.
  • Supports Hydration: Sodium Isostearoyl Lactylate helps in maintaining skin hydration. While cleansing, it doesn’t disrupt the skin’s moisture barrier, which is crucial for retaining the skin’s natural moisture.

It’s important to note that the beneficial effects of Sodium Isostearoyl Lactylate are not permanent. Consistent usage is necessary to maintain these benefits, as the ingredient works by interacting with the skin only when present.

Sodium Isostearoyl Lactylate’s Non-active Cosmetic Uses

In the context of cosmetics, “non-active” refers to ingredients that do not directly affect the skin’s structure or function but play a crucial role in the formulation’s stability, texture, or application.

Sodium Isostearoyl Lactylate has several non-active uses, stemming from its function as an emulsifying agent:

  • Texture Enhancer: It helps in achieving a desirable texture in products. By emulsifying oils and water, it creates a consistent, homogeneous mixture, ensuring that the product is smooth and easy to apply.
  • Product Stability: It contributes to the long-term stability of cosmetic formulations. Emulsifiers like Sodium Isostearoyl Lactylate prevent the separation of ingredients over time, ensuring the product remains effective throughout its shelf life.
  • Enhanced Absorption: While not directly affecting the skin, it indirectly aids in better absorption of the product. By ensuring a uniform mixture, it helps other beneficial ingredients to be evenly distributed and absorbed more effectively.
  • Versatility in Formulations: Its emulsifying properties allow for the creation of a wide range of product types, from lotions to creams, by facilitating the blend of various ingredients with different solubilities.

These non-active roles are essential for the overall performance and user experience of cosmetic products.

Sodium Isostearoyl Lactylate Potential Side Effects

While Sodium Isostearoyl Lactylate is generally considered safe for use in cosmetics, side effects and reactions can vary from person to person. This variability is largely due to differences in individual skin types, genetic predispositions, and existing skin conditions. What may be a gentle ingredient for one person might cause irritation or an allergic reaction in another.

Potential side effects of Sodium Isostearoyl Lactylate include:

  • Skin Irritation: In some cases, it can cause redness or a feeling of discomfort on the skin.
  • Allergic Reactions: Rarely, it may trigger allergic reactions, such as itching or rashes.
  • Dryness: Overuse might lead to skin dryness in certain individuals, especially those with already dry skin.

If you experience any of these side effects while using a product containing Sodium Isostearoyl Lactylate, it’s important to discontinue use immediately and consult a dermatologist or healthcare professional. They can provide guidance on how to treat the reaction and suggest alternative products that might be more suitable for your skin.

Adverse reactions to Sodium Isostearoyl Lactylate are rare, and generally, it is considered a safe and effective ingredient in cosmetic products. However, its safety and suitability can vary based on individual skin types and sensitivities.

In light of these potential side effects, the importance of patch-testing new cosmetic products cannot be overstated. A patch test can help determine how your skin will react to a new product or ingredient. For a detailed guide on how to conduct a patch test, refer to our patch testing guide.

Comedogenic Rating

Sodium Isostearoyl Lactylate is assigned a comedogenic rating of 1/5.

This low rating indicates that it is unlikely to clog pores or exacerbate acne. However, it’s not completely non-comedogenic. Nevertheless, for the majority, Sodium Isostearoyl Lactylate is suitable and should not cause breakouts or worsen acne.


Success in skincare often comes down to finding the right balance through experimentation, trial and error, and then maintaining consistency once you’ve discovered what works best for your skin. In this context, Sodium Isostearoyl Lactylate plays a crucial role, particularly due to its active cleansing effects.

This ingredient is specifically noteworthy for its ability to cleanse the skin effectively while maintaining its natural balance. Unlike harsher surfactants, Sodium Isostearoyl Lactylate offers a gentle cleansing action, making it an excellent choice for a wide range of skin types, including those with sensitive skin. It removes dirt and oil without stripping the skin of its natural moisture, supporting the skin’s overall health and hydration.

Sodium Isostearoyl Lactylate is a relatively common ingredient in cosmetic formulations, particularly valued for its gentle yet effective cleansing properties.

The results from using Sodium Isostearoyl Lactylate products can typically be noticed within a few weeks of consistent use. Users often observe cleaner, smoother, and more balanced skin, reflecting the ingredient’s effectiveness.

For anyone considering incorporating products with Sodium Isostearoyl Lactylate into their skincare routine, it’s reassuring to know about its safety and efficacy. Its unique cleansing action provides a perfect balance between effectiveness and gentleness, making it a suitable choice for those looking to maintain healthy, well-cleansed skin.

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